2024 AZ 06 – US House Race

2024 AZ 06 – US House Race


The 2024 United States House District 2 election in Arizona will be held on November 5, 2024.  The seat is currently held by Juan Ciscomani.

The two leading candidates are Kirsten Engel – Democrat and Juan Ciscomani – Republican.

The incumbent is first-term Republican Juan Ciscomani, who flipped the district and was elected with 50.8% of the vote in 2022 vs. Kirsten Engel.

OnAir Post: 2024 AZ 06 – US House Race


Arizona 6th: Where they stand on issues
Arizona Republic, Laura Gersony July 9, 2024

The Arizona Republic sent a brief questionnaire to the candidates in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District.

The district covers most of Pima County, including most of Tucson, and Cochise County.

Kirsten Engel is seeking the Democratic nomination unopposed.

Incumbent and first-term Rep. Juan Ciscomani, R-Ariz., is facing a GOP primary challenge from Kathleen Winn.


Web Links

Kirsten Engel

Current Position: Professor of Law of District 10 since 2021
Affiliation: Democrat
Candidate: 2024 US Representative for District 6
Former Position: State Senator for District 10 from 2020 – 2021

Kirsten Engel is an American lawyer and politician who served a member of the Arizona Senate for the 10th district from January to September 2021.

Engel is a candidate in the 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona in the state’s 6th congressional district.

Juan Ciscomani

Current Position: US Congressman
Affiliation: Republican
District:   all of Greenlee County, most of Cochise County, and parts of Pima County, Pinal County and Graham County. Most of its population resides in suburbs of Tucson, including Oro Valley, Marana, Green Valley, and Vail.
Upcoming Election: Running for a second term in District 6

Juan Ciscomani previously worked as a senior adviser to former Governor Doug Ducey, while also serving as vice chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission. Ciscomani was chosen to deliver the Republican response to the 2023 State of the Union Address in Spanish.

OnAir Post: Juan Ciscomani AZ-06


Juan Ciscomani

Source: Campaign site

Border Security

Our border is completely broken, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are making it worse every single day. Drugs, fentanyl and mass amounts of unvetted people are flowing into our country on a daily basis, and our district is the most impacted in the nation.

I support an all-of-the-above approach to securing the border – boots on the ground, deploying new technology, and yes – finishing the wall.

  • End catch and release

  • End exploitation of parole authority

  • Reinstate Remain in Mexico

  • Expand expedited removal authority

  • Renew building the wall

This is a national emergency that needs to be addressed.

As Strong Economy

Inflation continues to crush many Arizona families and seniors, with little relief in sight. As parents of six, this is something Laura and I understand first-hand.

Joe Biden keeps making the problem worse – opposed common sense reforms to rein in out-of-control spending and efforts to grow our economy.

Protecting our Seniors

Our seniors have worked their entire lives and paid into Social Security and Medicare.

I will always stand up for our seniors and oppose any and all efforts to reduce benefits or jeopardize these programs.

Protecting our Women and Children

I’m pro-life, I reject the extremes, and I trust women. I’m against a federal ban on abortion. I’m for timetables and exceptions, including for rape, incest and the life of the mother. In Congress, I support policies that respect women and protect new life. Part of that means increased investments in women’s health research. Currently, only 11 percent of federal health research dollars are invested in women. That’s a national disgrace, and one that must be addressed.

Military, Veterans, and First Responders

Our national security and public safety is of the utmost importance.

Arizona’s 6th congressional district is home to two military installations: Davis Monthan Air Force Base and Fort Huachuca. Our military personnel fight to protect our country, and in Congress, Juan will always defend the critical missions carried out at these installations, protect our air space, and support our men and women in uniform.

In addition, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have fought to defend our country. Our veterans must have access to the healthcare they deserve, and Juan will fight on their behalf.

And our community’s first responders must be supported as they risk their lives daily to protect our communities. Juan will always back the blue and stand with our police, fire, and all first responders.

Energy and Water

Our country’s dependence on foreign energy must be eliminated. We need to secure America’s energy independence in order to bring down prices for Arizona families – cut through the bureaucratic red tape and regulations, and streamline using all energy sources

In Arizona, we have the resources to innovate in the climate tech space and reinvigorate that industry right here.

And with limited water resources, we must be good stewards of this precious resource. We must address drought, conservation, and innovation to secure a strong water future for everyone.

Kirsten Engel

Source: Campaign page

Like so many Arizonans, I’ve had to balance work and parenting since my daughter was born — and the pandemic has only made this balance even more challenging. Women have shared the brunt of this pandemic — taking on extra labor at home, while being forced out of the workplace in alarming numbers. We need to do more for working families, especially parents, and I’m ready to do the work to help families not just recover from this pandemic, but thrive.

As we emerge from COVID-19, it’s more important than ever that we build back in a sustainable manner and invest in the fundamentals of what will be a strong economy for our future. This means investing in the infrastructure to create sustainable good-paying jobs, maintaining a skilled workforce to fill those jobs, safeguarding our natural resources, and supporting our small businesses.

I’m running to bring my experience as a mom, an educator, and a legislator to Congress to fight for Arizona values.

Economy & Jobs

 Building an economy that works for everyone

Investing in infrastructure development – both physical and social – will help Arizona realize its full potential. Environmentally sustainable physical infrastructure — the bricks, mortar, and digital – will help us expand our economy and safeguard our natural resources. This includes rural broadband and improvements in commerce and transportation – from roads, to our ports of entry along the border. To power a sustainable 21st century economy and enable more people to be part of rebuilding our economy, we also need upgraded social infrastructure — such as job training, childcare supports, and college and career-readiness programs.

Environment & Energy

Protecting our environment and working toward a sustainable future

Our spectacular environment and unique wildlife are a priceless part of Arizona. We have a $20 billion tourism economy, much of that due to people coming from all over the world to enjoy Arizona’s outdoors. With our countless days of sunshine, Arizona should be the solar capital of the world. Solar energy development is increasingly a source of good-paying jobs and could play an even larger role in our post-pandemic economic recovery.

Health & Education

Expanding access to affordable, quality healthcare

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Unfortunately, too many people still don’t have access to affordable quality healthcare. We need long-discussed solutions to reduce the price of prescription drugs, like allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and cap the amount everyday Americans must pay for a plan on the health insurance marketplace. No one should have to choose between paying for healthcare or paying their rent and putting food on the table.

Strengthening Social Security and Medicare
Earned benefits like Social Security and Medicare are crucial to the American way of life. Not only do they need to be protected, they should be strengthened for future generations. Special interest groups and wealthy corporations continue to try and chip away at these bedrock programs. As your representative in Congress, I will fight them every step of the way to guarantee the future of these programs.

Human Rights

Fighting for reproductive choice

Reproductive healthcare and a person’s right to choose should not be up for debate. The attacks on abortion access and reproductive healthcare in Arizona and across our country are appalling. As a state legislator, I have always fought to protect reproductive rights, and I will continue to do so in Congress.

Public Safety

 Supporting Common Sense Gun Safety Measures

The bipartisan gun safety law recently signed into law was a necessary first step, but did not go far enough. Congress must pass common sense gun safety laws that a large majority of Americans support, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, gun-owners or not. These include universal background checks, closing loopholes such as those allowing weapons to be purchased at gun shows without a background check, and an assault weapons ban. Victims of gun violence don’t need more thoughts and prayers. They need action and resolve.

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